Nourish Yourself with Self Love

What Does It Mean to Nourish Yourself with Self Love?
Self love is the love and appreciation you give yourself. To nourish yourself with self love means prioritizing your needs, happiness, and well-being. It’s not always easy—you might feel like you’re being selfish—but true self love is far from selfish. It’s about filling your own cup so you can show up as your BEST self for others.
Self love gives you the strength to overcome tough times and view weaknesses or failures as opportunities to grow. Nourishing yourself with self love helps you have more compassion for yourself and others, and provides a deeper sense of fulfillment.
Why is Nourishing Yourself With Self Love Important?
Our society constantly promotes the idea of “never enough”—not enough success, beauty, or accomplishments. It’s easy to get caught in the cycle of, “I need this or that to be happy,” or “I must achieve more to feel worthy.” This external focus creates an internal world of “I’m never enough.”
Nourishing yourself with self love breaks this cycle. Instead of focusing on lack, self love affirms: “I am and always will be enough.” This mindset lays the foundation for success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Nourish Yourself With L-O-V-E
To begin, shift your perspective to your soul. Remember, you’re a soul having a human experience. You are not your job, appearance, or achievements. When you see yourself from a soul level, it becomes easier to love and accept yourself as you are.
Self love radiates outward. When you become the main source of love in your life, it changes EVERYTHING. It’s where all other love radiates out. This is the key to your success in ALL areas of life. Self love is the foundation to be who you are, fulfill your potential, and express your greatness.
Your heart is the home of your soul. It’s where your power to create a beautiful life comes from. Your health, career, finances, relationships, and more will flourish when you LOVE yourself. And the more you align with this heart vibration, the more it will attract the right people and opportunities to support your well-being.
Self Care Ideas
Nourishing yourself with self love is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Daily self-care practices build a strong foundation for body, mind, and soul. Here are some self-care ideas to help you feel your best every day:
Prioritize Yourself
Think of yourself as a cup. Self care is the water that fills your cup. The goal is to have your cup overflowing so the excess can nourish others. If you don’t replenish yourself, you’ll feel drained, frustrated, and depleted. Prevent an empty cup by prioritizing daily self-care. When you show up with a full cup, you inspire others to do the same.

How to Practice Self Love
Your life is a reflection of your level of self-love. Practicing daily self-care is how you build up your self-love storage.
- Start Your Day with Loving Affirmations: “I am enough. I am radiant.”
- Grooming: Care for yourself with intention. Grooming well boosts confidence.
- Nourish Your Body: Treat yourself to a massage, facial, or soothing body care.
- Diet: Fuel your body with high-vibration, nutritious foods.
- Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Exercise: Move your body to release stagnant energy and elevate your mood.
- Meditate: Cultivate self love, compassion, and acceptance through meditation.
- Take Breaks: Relax your mind and body during the day.
- Express Gratitude: End the day by writing down five things you’re grateful for.
- Self Care Sunday: Dedicate one day a week to focusing entirely on yourself.
Value Yourself
Value yourself, your time, and what you have to offer. You ARE special! You deserve to be loved. And who better to love you than YOU? You’re with yourself 24/7 and know yourself better than anyone. Why not value yourself and become your biggest fan? After all, it’s pretty miraculous that you’re here. Why not make choices that support yourself in having an awesome life instead of making this already challenging life even harder?
Value yourself for who you really are — a beautiful SOUL having a human experience in a physical body.
The flaws and challenges you experience are just part of your soul’s lessons. They don’t diminish your value in any way. So let go of the need to be perfect. You don’t need to have or do it all. Learn to value yourself more by saying no, delegating, and doing less.
Set Boundaries
Loving yourself includes respecting your time, energy, and needs. Set boundaries in all areas of your life that are imbalanced. If you have trouble setting boundaries with others, start by looking at the boundaries you set with yourself. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people that love, support, and respect you. You deserve the best, don’t settle for less!
Accept Yourself
Ditch the need to criticize yourself. It’s much healthier and more productive if you accept yourself as you are. Think about it. Would you rather have your flaws consume or empower you? If you’re constantly saying, “I wish my butt was smaller.” Then, you’re focused on what you lack and that attracts more lack in your life. When you accept and embrace your booty, you raise your vibration to attract more things to be grateful for.
So accept yourself and love the skin you’re in. There are plenty of people that CHOOSE to embrace their flaws and they end up becoming some of their most lovable qualities. Think about Owen Wilson’s nose, Frida Kahlo’s unibrow, or Eva Mendes’ mole. Embrace and enjoy the things that make you different. That’s what makes you special!
A Note on Perfectionism
Perfectionists struggle a LOT with self love. Although perfectionism is often viewed as a great quality, it perpetuates the feeling of never being enough. When you’re constantly striving to achieve, you get drained easily. It’s exhausting trying to do everything right, ALL of the time. Naturally this comes with a lot of criticism, judgment, and comparison. And it’s destructive for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Imperfections are what make life exciting and help you grow.

Be Your Own Best Friend
As Oscar Wilde said, “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”
So be your own best friend forever (BFF). This is one of the hardest things for most people to do. The next time you have a challenge, make a mistake or feel off your game, think about what your BFF would tell you to do. He or she would probably give you some loving words and tell you to be easier on yourself.
To practice doing this, write yourself a letter from the perspective of a kind and compassionate friend. Use it to reflect on how you’re feeling and give yourself a pep talk. What advice and encouragement can you give yourself? How can you give yourself more lovin’? And if you need additional support, take yourself out on a date. That’s right! Get dressed up and treat yourself to doing something special. This quality “me time” is one of the most fun and powerful things you can do to nourish yourself with self love. So give yourself the deep affection and attention you need from your newest BFF… yourself.
Go Silent to Get Clear
Go silent to listen and connect with yourself. Plan a few hours or even an entire day to be silent. Avoid talking, TV, social media, and most technology. This is a time to go silent and listen to your inner voice. Detach from your thoughts. If you think, “I’m not smart enough.” Separate yourself from that thought by saying, “I’m having the thought that… I’m not smart enough.” So it’s not you, it’s just a thought. You can choose if you attach to the thought or not. Practice doing this and you will feel better quickly.
You also want to be mindful of which inner voice you listen to… your inner critic or your intuition. Your inner critic comes from your head. It’s a perfectionist and a judge that focuses on negativity and lack. It’s full of blame and shame. Be careful of the thoughts you choose to focus on and don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts will come and go. In contrast, your intuition comes from your heart. It focuses on honoring your inner knowing and wisdom. It sees abundance, positivity, and things to be grateful for.
Enjoy Life More
Enjoying your life more is one of the best ways to nourish yourself with self love. Get creative and express yourself by dancing, painting, writing, running, listening to music, or anything else that excites you. There are no wrong ways to be creative. Have fun! Celebrate every step in the right direction. Get out there and enjoy being you, enjoy doing things that light your fire, and enjoy your incredible life.
Dig Deeper
Still feel stuck? The key is to flip the “never enough” script to “I am and always will be enough.” That’s where PSYCH-K® energy psychology can be especially beneficial. It can reprogram underlying subconscious beliefs, programs, and perceptions keeping you stuck. It helps you release judgment, comparison, shame, and blame. PSYCH-K® empowers you to remove subconscious barriers preventing you from experiencing the TLC you deserve.
Now, you have plenty of tools to start nourishing yourself with self love. Experiment and see how exciting and fun your new relationship with yourself can be!
Self Love Yoga Online
Start feeling your best with this Self Love Yoga class online via Yoga With Adriene. It’s a great way to nurture your mind, body, and soul.
Now you have the tools to nourish yourself with self love. Experiment with these practices and watch your relationship with yourself flourish! When you love yourself fully, life becomes a beautiful journey of growth and joy.