Examples of PSYCH-K® Belief Statements

What are PSYCH-K® belief statements? After scheduling a PSYCH-K session, you’ll begin creating your own belief statements to use for subconscious reprogramming. Belief or goal statements are short, positive sentences that express new beliefs you want to embody, such as “I deserve to be seen and heard” or “It’s safe for me to lose weight and keep it off.”

These statements should be written in the first person, present tense, and focus on what you want, not what you don’t. You can create your own statements and email them to Cate before your session, or she will guide you throughout the process and can help you identify your top issues.

change beliefs change life

Creating Empowering PSYCH-K® Belief Statements

Belief statements play a foundational role in PSYCH-K. These single sentences express how you would like to feel and the change you wish to create. For the best results, keep them short, specific, realistic, and meaningful. When these statements are programmed into your subconscious mind, they become new beliefs, paving the way for transformation. Although repeating them is unnecessary, saying your new beliefs as affirmations or mantras can help activate their potential.

Need Inspiration?

Set an intention for your session by asking yourself, "What do I want to accomplish?" or "How do I want to feel?"

Here are some sentence prompts to create your belief statements:

  • I am…
  • I deserve…
  • It’s easy for me to…
  • I have…
  • I’m free of…
  • It’s safe for me to…
  • I am allowed to…

“PSYCH-K® represents one of the most important, efficient, effective, and rapid belief change processes available on this planet today.”

— Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

PSYCH-K® Topics

Looking for ideas? Below you'll find over 100 examples of PSYCH-K® belief statement for various topics. For best results, focus on 1-2 topics per session. Dive into the areas where you feel the most resistance in your life. Starting with self-love, safety, and trust is ideal, as they're foundational for releasing blocks in all areas.

  • Self-Love and Self-Worth
  • Safety, Protection, and Trust
  • Success and Confidence
  • Abundance, Money, and Prosperity
  • Health, Healing, Body Image, and Weight Loss
  • Connection, Relationships, Expression, and Forgiveness
  • Spiritual Connection, Soul Healing, and Psychic Abilities
  • Career, Creativity, Passion, and Purpose
  • Addiction, Phobias, and More...

love yourself

Foundation for Success

Self-love statements are especially helpful for releasing blocks in ALL other areas of your life!

You’re with yourself 24/7, so why not be your own best friend and biggest fan? Operating from a place of love, rather than scarcity, establishes the groundwork for success. Self-love provides the foundation to be YOU, fulfill your potential, and express your greatness. It also serves as the wellspring for all other forms of love. When you become the primary source of love in your life, it benefits EVERYTHING. 

View Nourish Yourself With Self-Love for more ideas.

Self-Love and Self-Worth

What statements capture your ideal relationship with yourself?

  1. I am worthy of love, success, and happiness.
  2. I deserve unconditional love from myself and others.
  3. I love and accept myself unconditionally.
  4. I determine my self-worth and I deserve the best.
  5. I release all doubt and embrace who I am.
  6. I am good enough just by being me.
  7. The relationship I have with myself is loving and kind.
  8. I release all resistance to loving myself and enjoying my life.
  9. The more I love myself, the more I transform into the beautiful expression of my soul.
  10. I am, and always will be, good enough.

Create a Calm, Healing State

Many people have childhood experiences that make it difficult for them to relax and feel safe. The subconscious mind is very protective. If it perceives your environment to be stressful, now or in the past (it doesn’t know the difference), then it will remain on alert as it scans for potential threats. This can leave you feeling “on guard” and exhausted. Living in a hyper vigilant state can also make it difficult to trust yourself, others, and the decisions you make.

In addition to the Whole-Brain State that PSYCH-K creates, these statements can help Calm Your Nervous System to get you out of a stress response and into a healing state.

Safety, Protection and Trust

What belief statements help you feel relaxed and supported?

  1. It’s safe for me to trust myself.
  2. I am safe in this body, world, and universe.
  3. It’s safe for me to let my guard down and relax.
  4. I trust my ability to handle anything that comes my way.
  5. I am safe, protected, and Divinely guided, now and always.
  6. It’s safe for me to feel, express, and release my emotions.
  7. It’s safe for me to release the past and live in the present.
  8. I trust my intuition and always make wise decisions.
  9. It’s safe for me to receive love, support, and abundance.
  10. My body and mind are relaxed and calm.

PSYCH-K® Goal Statements for Personal Growth

empowering psych k belief statements

Limiting subconscious beliefs can limit your life in many ways that sabotage your success and decrease your confidence.

Success and Confidence

Which example belief statements excite you the most?

  1. I approach everything with confidence, love, and patience.
  2. I release the need for others’ approval and acceptance.
  3. I have the power to change myself and my life.
  4. Whatever I need is revealed to me at the perfect time.
  5. I co-create the life I want and thoroughly enjoy it.
  6. Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.
  7. I have everything I need to face any challenges.
  8. Other people see me as a success. I see myself as a success.
  9. Life supports me in every possible way.
  10. I’m allowed to be successful, free from pressure.

Optimize Your Well-Being

PSYCH-K helps you remove the blocks getting in the way of mind, body, and soul healing. These example belief statements can activate a powerful healing response on all levels.

Health, Healing and Body Image

  1. I return to my optimal wellness settings.
  2. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
  3. Wellness is the natural state of my body.
  4. I have the ability to heal myself now.
  5. Love flows through my body, healing all dis-ease.
  6. My immune system is healthy and strong.
  7. I feel an abundance of energy.
  8. The more I love myself, the more my body transforms into the beautiful expression that I am.
  9. I naturally enjoy the foods that are best for my body.
  10. I am healthy, pain-free, and totally in sync with life.

Emotional Healing and Weight Loss

Emotions buried alive never die. Most people dealing with weight gain also have issues with suppressed emotions. Releasing stuck emotions releases the body's need for a protection buffer of fat. This method is much more enjoyable and effective than focusing on diet and exercise alone.

  1. It’s safe for me to lose weight.
  2. The more I release old emotions, the more weight I lose.
  3. I connect with my body in a loving and nourishing way.
  4. I release all shame about myself and my body.
  5. I acknowledge, heal, and release any suppressed emotions.
  6. Acknowledging emotions activates powerful healing.
  7. It’s healthy and beneficial for me to express my emotions.
  8. My emotions guide me to create my best body.
  9. I see my emotions as helpful messengers here to guide me.
  10. I listen with love to my body’s messages.

Align With Abundance

psych k for money

One common area where people experience subconscious blockages is around money. Reflect on your childhood:

  • How did your family and friends treat money?
  • How did you feel about money growing up?
  • Did you experience any financial trauma?
  • Do you struggle with making, saving, or spending money?
  • These questions can help uncover hidden beliefs that may be limiting your financial flow.

Check out How to Clear Subconscious Money Blocks.

Abundance, Money and Prosperity

  1. Money is good, healthy, and beneficial for me.
  2. Money flows easily into my life.
  3. I deserve abundance on all levels.
  4. I'm worthy of receiving abundance.
  5. I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
  6. It’s safe to make, have, and spend money.
  7. My efforts and intentions pay off greatly.
  8. It’s easy for me to get paid well doing what I love.
  9. The more I enjoy my life, the more money I make.
  10. I welcome miracles and abundance into my life.
  11. My income constantly increases.
  12. I can afford the life I want (regardless of partner/job).
  13. I am a money magnet — I prosper everywhere I turn.
  14. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  15. I am worthy of making more money.
  16. I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
  17. My finances improve beyond my wildest dreams.
  18. I am at peace with having LOTS of money.
  19. I handle massive financial success with grace.
  20. There's plenty of money for everyone — we bless each other.
  21. It’s easy to increase financial status in society.
  22. I deserve to make more money than the men in my life.
  23. It’s healthy to charge people for the value I provide.
  24. My finances are secure, stable, and consistently improve.
  25. I make excellent financial decisions.

PSYCH-K® Affirmations for Relationships

psych k for relationships

Creating healthier relationships improves your self-worth, health, and enjoyment of life. The best way to benefit your relationships is to (1) reprogram limiting beliefs and (2) live more in the present. This is key to enjoying a life-long Honeymoon!

View 7 Tips to Create Healthier Relationships.

Connection and Relationships

  1. I love others unconditionally.
  2. I am worthy of receiving love and support from others.
  3. I am whole, which allows me to enter relationships as a whole.
  4. I'm worthy of having the romantic relationship I desire.
  5. I give and receive great value from my relationships.
  6. My partner is as committed to our relationship as I am.
  7. I have the courage to be vulnerable with others.
  8. I deserve to put my needs first.
  9. It’s easy for me to take care of my needs first.
  10. Other people are capable of taking care of themselves.
  11. I'm free from taking on other people’s emotions and stress.
  12. Other people respect my time and my boundaries.
  13. I set clear and loving boundaries with others.
  14. I communicate clearly about what I want with others.
  15. My relationships are healthy and supportive.
  16. It’s safe for me to trust and rely on others.
  17. I deserve to fully relax and feel nurtured in relationships.
  18. I love my family and friends as they are.
  19. It’s easy for me to have compassion for all.
  20. I let go of my need to be the caretaker and protector.

Expression and Forgiveness

Expression and forgiveness are two of the most healing and transformative areas you can focus on.


Expressing yourself is about more than releasing emotions—it's about connecting with your authentic self. When you express freely, you let go of past limitations and open up to new possibilities. This strengthens your relationships and leads to greater fulfillment. The more you use your voice, the more aligned you become with your true desires and values.

  1. It’s easy for me to express myself.
  2. I deserve to be seen and heard.
  3. I express my emotions in a healthy way.
  4. I deserve to put my needs first.
  5. It’s easy for me to take care of my needs first.
  6. Other people are capable of taking care of themselves.
  7. I'm free from taking on other people’s stress and problems.
  8. It's safe for me to speak up for myself.
  9. I'm allowed to ask for help.
  10. The more I use my voice, the more I heal myself.


Forgiveness is a powerful gift you give yourself. It helps you reclaim your energy and focus on the present, where transformation happens. Letting go of grudges and resentments frees you from the past, creating space for healing, peace, and growth. By practicing forgiveness, you open yourself to a lighter heart, greater peace of mind, and deeper connections with others and yourself.

  1. It’s easy for me to forgive myself and others.
  2. It’s easy for me to let go of anger/mistrust towards others.
  3. I fully forgive myself/others for...
  4. The more I forgive myself, the more I release the past.
  5. I feel closure with...
  6. Forgiveness comes easy to me.
  7. I release any grudges and resentments from the past.
  8. The more I forgive, the more peace I feel.
  9. The more I practice forgiveness, the better I feel.
  10. Everyone is doing their best (with their level of awareness).

Reach Your Potential

We often hold ourselves back from reaching our full potential due to limiting beliefs, whether in our careers or personal lives. These example belief statements can help you explore new possibilities and move forward with confidence.

Career, Creativity, Passion and Purpose

What's your dream job? How do you envision yourself working throughout your day? Have you unlocked your creative potential? Expand your awareness and potential with these statements...

  1. The more I play, the more productive I am with my work.
  2. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.
  3. I work with amazing clients and companies now.
  4. I attract more clients than I need.
  5. People love working with me.
  6. I always work with and for wonderful people.
  7. I love my work!
  8. The more I enjoy my work, the more success I experience.
  9. I'm passionate about fulfilling my purpose.
  10. The universe is filled with opportunities for my career.
  11. I balance my life between work, rest, and play.
  12. I am a creative problem solver.
  13. I am talented with great creativity and intelligence.
  14. I have the courage to live my dreams now.
  15. I am a visionary and creative genius!
  16. Genius ideas and solutions come to me daily.
  17. I feel creative and inspired by my work.
  18. Creativity flows through every cell in my body.
  19. There's an abundance of opportunities for me.
  20. I have the powerful creative abilities of the Universe.



Addiction is another area that holds people back from reaching their potential and enjoying life. Transform the connection you have with yourself, others, and your life with these statements...

  1. I forgive and love myself.
  2. I heal my childhood wounds with love and understanding.
  3. I feel seen, heard, and valued by myself. 
  4. I am kind and gentle with myself.
  5. I respect myself and my healing journey.
  6. I take responsibility for my life and my choices.
  7. My body is a sacred temple that I treat with respect.
  8. I am excited to be alive — Life is beautiful!
  9. I treat myself with compassion and kindness.
  10. I’m great in social situations (free from substances).

Digging Deeper

Everyone can benefit from stepping back and gaining a fresh perspective on life’s challenges. These belief statements help bring clarity and release unhealthy attachments or outdated beliefs holding you back.

Perspective and Perfectionism

Shifting your perspective can help break free from perfectionism and bring more ease and joy into your life. These example belief statements support a balanced, relaxed approach to life and success.

  1. It’s easy for me to zoom out and see the big picture.
  2. I approach life from a loving and playful perspective.
  3. The more I slow down, the faster I get the results I want.
  4. I trust the process of life and know I’m being guided.
  5. I make decisions from a place of love (instead of fear).
  6. I free myself from having to do it all myself.
  7. I release the need to over-give, overdo, and overachieve.
  8. I always have enough time.
  9. I deserve and accept the best now.
  10. Life loves me and I LOVE my life.

Energy, Empaths and Psychic Abilities

Are you absorbing more info and energy than you can process? Don't let energetic overwhelm keep you from performing your best. These statements are ideal for empaths and those looking to strengthen their psychic abilities...

  1. I'm Divinely protected and guided at all times.
  2. It’s easy for me to focus and process info.
  3. My ability to sense subtle energy is my SUPERPOWER!
  4. My energy and psychic abilities flow beautifully.
  5. I am a conduit for loving, healing energy.
  6. I easily adjust the “dial” of my emotions and sensitivities.
  7. It’s easy for me to release the energy of others.
  8. I am calm, peaceful, and grounded amidst any chaos.
  9. My feminine and masculine energy are in balance.
  10. My inner vision is clear and vivid.

Spiritual Connection and Soul Healing

Whether you're seeking a deeper spiritual connection, inner child healing, ancestral clearing, or other methods that support soul healing, these belief statements will help...

  1. I am highly intuitive.
  2. I am guided and protected by the Divine at all times.
  3. I am part of all, I belong here.
  4. I choose to create a NEW story for myself.
  5. I have the ability to manifest my greatest desires.
  6. It’s easy for me to focus on the beauty in this world.
  7. I fully allow my gifts to be shared with this world.
  8. It’s easy for me to surrender control and let go.
  9. I know when to surrender (to a higher power).
  10. I feel connected to my authentic self.
  11. I surrender to the unknown with love and grace.
  12. I am centered and grounded in the present moment.
  13. I surrender to the flow of life as it guides me with love.
  14. My chakras are strong, vibrant, and balanced.
  15. I trust the process of life. The universe has my back!
  16. All life loves and supports me.
  17. My inner child is whole, happy and healed.
  18. I observe my childhood with love and gratitude.
  19. My emotional and energetic wounds are healed.
  20. I have beautiful, loving, and fun childhood memories.
  21. My energy body is strong and healthy.
  22. I heal my ancestral line with love and light.
  23. My ancestors pass gently into the light.
  24. I let go of anger, grief, and pain from past lives.
  25. My ancestors are full of love, peace, joy and light.
  26. I release all vows, oaths, and agreements from past lives.
  27. It’s safe for me to release the past and heal from any childhood and past life trauma.
  28. I liberate myself from the past.

If you're ready to break free from old patterns and fully embrace your potential, PSYCH-K® can help.