Detox & Fat Loss Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition The Mind & PSYCH-K

7 Surprising Weight Loss Hacks

weight loss hacks yellow road sign

Follow these 7 Surprising Weight Loss Hacks to lose weight and keep it off!

Got stubborn body fat that won’t budge? Have you tried everything without achieving the weight loss results you deserve? Don’t give up yet! We’ve got 7 surprising weight loss hacks to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Initially, most weight loss methods help because they encourage more awareness and less processed food. But, long term, they fail because they don’t address underlying issues. Why did you gain weight? Do you overeat, stress eat, avoid exercise, or make poor choices? Underneath these behaviors are deeper issues. What are your subconscious beliefs about your body? Is your liver congested? Do you have a low-grade viral infection? Weight gain is just a symptom.

When you address underlying causes, your body will show it!

Start Losing Weight

First, get the basics down. Achieving your goal weight is challenging if you don’t have a healthy foundation. Start by eating more mindfully. Mindfulness is about being present and observing. Bring mindfulness to more meals by eating slowly, noticing when you’re hungry or full, and savoring each bite. Next, regardless of your diet, include these 10 Nutrition Tips. Lastly, boost fat burning by going to bed by 10:30 pm and getting at least 7 hours of sleep.

Weight Loss Hack #1

subconscious reprogramming for weight loss

Reprogram Your Subconscious

Do you feel blocked from losing weight despite your best efforts? Your subconscious could be contributing to your weight. View PSYCH-K for Weight Loss. This energy psychology modality transforms limiting subconscious beliefs into supportive ones in minutes. PSYCH-K is easy, pain-free, proven, and one of the best life hacks for losing weight.

OLD Limiting Beliefs

  • I’m not good enough. I’m not allowed to love my body until it’s perfect.
  • It’s not safe to lose weight. Bad things happen to me when I’m thin.
  • I have to suffer to lose weight. 

NEW Enhancing Beliefs

  • I am good enough.
  • It’s safe for me to lose weight.
  • It’s easy and effortless for me to shed body fat. 

PSYCH-K digs deep into underlying issues that cause weight gain. It can reprogram known or unknown barriers to shedding fat, such as traumas and secondary gains.

Weight Loss Hack #2

Look at Secondary Gains

Another great life hack for losing weight is to look at secondary gains. During a PSYCH-K session, we’ll identify any secondary gains preventing you from reaching your goals. In other words, what do you gain from your weight gain? What could be preventing you from losing body fat? Do you have fears about weighing less? 

For example, a woman I worked with had more friends when she weighed more. Women found her less intimidating and more relatable. So she worried she’d lose friends if she lost weight. Body fat can serve as a protective layer. You might feel safer and more grounded with extra fat. And some people don’t want the attention they might get when they look a certain way. 

Examine secondary gains to create the body and life you want.

Weight Loss Hack #3

Detox Your Liver

Unfortunately, the world is full of toxins that overload your liver and end up stored in your body fat. The liver is a major fat burning organ, so weight loss will be challenging if it’s congested. That’s why detoxing the liver is an important “life hack” for shedding pounds. 

For sustainable fat loss, reducing toxins and supporting detoxification is crucial. Detoxification is how your body breaks down and eliminates toxins. And your liver is the primary detox organ in your body. It’s the DETOX POWERHOUSE!

How do you support your liver?

Eat a High Vibration Diet and focus on gentle daily cleansing with beverages like lemon water, celery juice, and heavy metal detox smoothies. Most people have pathogenic and toxicity issues at the root that contribute to their conditions and symptoms. Eating more high vibe foods will help you lose body fat by addressing underlying issues.

Next, make your liver’s job easier by reducing your exposure to toxins. Start by filtering your water, eating organic, passing on plastics, and selecting more natural beauty, hygiene, and household items. Read labels and use EWG’s app to find healthier products.

Weight Loss Hack #4

woman reducing stress for fat loss

Reduce Stress NOW

Reducing stress is another crucial life hack for losing weight. Chronic stress floods your body with cortisol and stress hormones that prevent weight loss and healing. Think about it. If you’re running from a “bear,” your body focuses on survival, not weight loss. Also, when you’re under stress, it’s much harder to make healthier choices. Stress can increase unhealthy food cravings that cause blood sugar imbalances, weight gain, and poor sleep. Learn how to calm your nervous system for better health and well-being.

How do you reduce stress?

Prevent stress-eating and reduce stress by planning daily relaxation. Include calming activities such as yin or restorative yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, journaling (gratitude), nature walks, lavender baths, or anything else you enjoy.

Weight Loss Hack #5

Try Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Fasting is an effective weight loss hack that can increase energy, balance hormones, support immunity, and help you live longer. Not only is fasting good for your body, it’s pretty effortless to fit into your schedule. For many people, fasting can be easier than following a diet. It’s not an eat this and avoid that plan. It’s more of an eating pattern; eat now and avoid eating the rest of the day. Standard methods include fasting for at least 16 hours daily, a couple times a week. Start with the tips below to ease into a routine that’s right for you.

How do you Intermittent Fast?

Try a 12-hour fast for one day (7 pm to 7 am) and gradually increase the fasting period. This gives you an eating window of 8 hours, which allows for a 16-hour fasting period. Stay hydrated to decrease detox symptoms like headaches, fatigue, diarrhea, and cravings. Ask your wellness coach for help incorporating a safe fasting routine into your schedule.

Weight Loss Hack #6

Experience a Potato Hack Diet

Want to try something weird yet strangely successful as a fat loss booster? Try Tim Steele’s, Potato Hack. He lost weight eating only potatoes for 60 days! Potatoes contain natural compounds that positively affect your health. The potato hack diet can benefit inflammation, hunger, insulin, gut health, and body fat.

How do you do a potato hack?

Eat nothing but plain potatoes for three to five days and see how you feel. A potato-only diet isn’t something you want to do long-term, but it might give you the boost you need to start losing weight, and there are other benefits from the potato hack diet.

Weight Loss Hack #7

Eat 3 Foods for 3 Days

Eat only three foods for three days. Although restrictive diets aren’t ideal, eating just three foods for three days can give you the reset you need to start shedding fat now. And it can be beneficial for food sensitivities, gut issues, and digestive problems. Again, this hack isn’t a long-term solution, but it can provide the relief needed to get started.

How do you eat only three foods for three days?

As it sounds, eat only three foods to eat for three days. This diet can help reduce inflammation, ease digestion, and promote fat loss. Choose whole, unprocessed foods like bananas, honey, and wild blueberries. Keep it simple. Blending, juicing, and pureeing your food can also help make digestion easier. Experiment and see how you feel.

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