Bruce Lipton Energy Psychology

Bruce Lipton Endorses PSYCH-K

Bruce Lipton is a Cell Biologist, epigenetics expert, world-renowned speaker & author.

A leader in the evolution of consciousness, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. has played an integral part in bridging science and spirit. Many know him by his best-selling books, The Biology of Belief, The Honeymoon Effect, and Spontaneous Evolution. He's brilliant, lovable, and has a sense of humor that can help you understand the most complicated subjects. His incredible research has significantly impacted our understanding of the science of love and the power of the subconscious mind.

Although he recommends many forms of energy psychology, PSYCH-K is his top choice. Bruce said, “I teach with Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K. This is the modality that I use personally and with which I am most familiar.” He recommends this belief change method to reprogram limiting subconscious beliefs. It's fast, efficient, proven, and compliments Dr. Lipton's ground-breaking work in Biology, Epigenetics, and Quantum Physics.

bruce lipton headshot

In this inspiring E-Motion Health video, Bruce Lipton talks about how we’ve been programmed and how that impacts our experience of reality. In his Epigenetic research, Bruce discovered that energy psychology changes how you think and perceive reality to create more favorable health and life outcomes. Energy psychology increases the connection between mind, body, and soul to help heal stress, trauma, limiting beliefs, and more. With his background in Epigenetics and energy psychology, Bruce recommends PSYCH-K as his favorite belief change modality.

“PSYCH-K is one of the most effective ways on this planet to change [subconscious] programs and write them the way you want them. Then you can manifest your wishes and desires, which I know personally because I’ve done that.”

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

Dr. Bruce Lipton Recommends PSYCH-K

Your Mind Creates Your Reality

Contrary to popular belief, you’re not a victim of your genes. As Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., explains, Epigenetics shows that your interpretation of your environment plays a much bigger role than genes when it comes to health. You can live in a perfect environment, but if you perceive it to be threatening (say from an old belief), your cells will respond to the threat.

Your perceptions and beliefs create your reality. Your brain constantly releases chemicals that coordinate 50 trillion cells in your body to match your interpretation of the world. When you change underlying beliefs, you change your reality.

PSYCH-K is a form of energy psychology that changes subconscious beliefs to support the health & life you want.

The Power of Beliefs

Your beliefs have power. For example, with the placebo effect, you’re given a pill and told it will heal you. If it heals you, but you find out it was a sugar pill, then what healed you? Your BELIEF!

In contrast, the nocebo effect shows how negative thoughts create poor health. If you believe you'll get ill, you begin producing thoughts that make you sick. It's ALL created by your perceptions. Fear creates stress, and stress causes over 90% of illnesses.

The Power of the Subconscious

The problem is that the conscious mind likes to think, and when you think, you shift from the present into subconscious autopilot mode. Although autopilot mode allows multitasking, it continues playing underlying programs (like a movie).

Over 95% of your life is run from subconscious programs/beliefs that are unknown to you!

Dr. Bruce Lipton describes how these programs were downloaded from your parents, family, community, and environment during the first 7 years of your life. Although autopilot mode benefits survival, most subconscious programs are disempowering and limiting. You might have great (conscious) intentions, but once the old programs run, the subconscious creates your reality. As a result, you feel like a victim who has no control over your life.

Your life is a mirror of your subconscious.

Hopefully, you understand why having a supportive subconscious is crucial to creating the life you want. Work with a PSYCH-K Facilitator to clear your limitations!

Traditional tools such as positive thinking, affirmations, therapy, willpower, self-help books, and visualizations are limited to the conscious mind. Although they can help, they do NOT change issues on a subconscious level.

Bruce Lipton YouTube Videos

Want more Bruce Lipton? You can find him on his popular website, or YouTube Channel. He's a highly sought-after speaker with events worldwide. Watch the videos below to understand why you want to reprogram your subconscious mind and how PSYCH-K can help.

Re-Write Your Life

The key to improving your life is discovering what subconscious programs control it. Your life is a printout of your subconscious. To find your limitations, look at where you're struggling.

Once you identify the areas to improve, you can rewrite your subconscious using three options. The first way is through hypnosis. This creates a theta brain state, the same state you operated from before age seven. The second way is through repetition, such as repeating a mantra until it becomes a habit. This method takes a lot of time and effort! The third way is using energy psychology (EP), and Bruce's favorite form of EP is PSYCH-K.

Reprogram Your Mind

In this video, Bruce Lipton discusses how to reprogram your mind. He describes why early childhood is designed to download programs into your subconscious so that you learn how to be a functional member of society. After age seven, over 95% of your life operates from these unknown programs.

Unfortunately, many of these programs are negative and self-sabotaging. But the good news is that you can use energy psychology, like PSYCH-K, to change the underlying issues that limit your life. PSYCH-K is much easier and quicker than hypnosis, repetition, and other methods.

Best-Selling Books

Want to change your beliefs to change your life? These best-selling books by Bruce Lipton can help. Packed full of science and spirituality, each text explores the deeper layers of our world and how to use this knowledge to benefit your health and life.

These enlightening books are available on and Amazon.


The Biology Of Belief

Learn how to Unleash the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles

This book will completely change how you think about your thinking. It outlines incredible scientific discoveries about how the brain functions. Your thoughts affect your cells and create your reality. Understanding this helps you harness the power of your "mind and matter" to improve your health and life. Your genes are a blueprint, NOT your destiny. Your beliefs and perceptions create your reality, and you can change any limiting beliefs and perceptions using PSYCH-K. You don't have to be a victim of your genes or beliefs!

Deepak Chopra says, “I read The Biology of Belief when it first came out. It was a pioneering book and gave a much-needed scientific framework for the mind-body-spirit connection. Bruce's insights and research created the basis of the epigenetic revolution that's now laying the foundation for a consciousness-based understanding of biology. We're all indebted to him.”

The Honeymoon Effect

The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Think love is a myth that Hollywood producers and romantic poets dreamed up? Have you struggled to find, keep, and enjoy romantic connections? This is one of the most valuable books on relationships! The Honeymoon Effect shares intimate details of Bruce Lipton's love story, including his challenges and vow never to marry again! During his creation of The Biology of Belief, he transitioned from “a marriage-phobic skeptic into an adult who finally took responsibility for every failed relationship in his life.” He realized how his parents had played a BIG role. Bruce explains, “I began to see how their behavior, programmed into my subconscious mind, influenced and undermined my efforts to create loving relationships with the women in my life.”

Surprisingly, it’s not your upbringing, genes, neurochemicals, or hormones that prevent you from creating loving relationships. “Your beliefs are preventing you from experiencing those elusive, loving relationships. Change your beliefs, change your relationships.” He covers how to overcome limitations to create the Honeymoon Effect and experience Heaven on Earth.

Spontaneous Evolution

Our Positive Future (And a Way to Get There From Here)

In Spontaneous Evolution, world-renowned epigenetics expert Bruce H. Lipton teams up with political philosopher Steve Bhaerman to offer a fresh story about humanity’s evolutionary destiny. This book emphasizes the importance of your beliefs to stay active in the conscious evolution we’re going through. You’ve probably heard miraculous stories of people who have walked across coals, lifted cars, drank poison, or recovered from a serious illness. What did they have in common? An unshakable belief that they'll succeed.

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