7 Tips to Create Healthier Relationships Using PSYCH-K

When you create healthier relationships, it improves your health, self-worth, and enjoyment of life.
There’s no doubt that a good relationship is immensely healing and soul-satisfying. By using PSYCH-K to reprogram your subconscious mind, you can create healthier relationships that align you with more love, pleasure, joy, and wholeness.
Whether you want to connect with friends, family, a pet, or a romantic partner, a good relationship begins with being present. This is challenging in a world filled with distractions. PSYCH-K helps you clear limitations and transform unhealthy relationship patterns to attract, have, and enjoy healthier connections now. First, let’s look at your subconscious mind to identify where your blocks are and assess how you can begin reaching your potential.
Subconscious Blocks = Relationship Blocks
Although it’s great to live mindfully in the present, neuroscience shows that you operate from your conscious mind only 1-5% of your day. That means 95-99% of your day, you’re living from subconscious programs. In other words, your life is a reflection of your subconscious programs and beliefs. Relationship issues are often due to limiting subconscious beliefs that were programmed during childhood. Old fear-based beliefs may have kept you safe as a kid, but sabotage your success as an adult. That’s where PSYCH-K® comes in. PSYCH-K® reprograms subconscious beliefs that limit your relationships and life.
The BEST way to create healthier relationships is to (1) be present and (2) reprogram limiting subconscious beliefs. This is key to enjoying a life-long Honeymoon!
The Honeymoon Effect
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. is a PSYCH-K® advocate and the bestselling author of The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. The definition of “The Honeymoon Effect” is: “A state of bliss, passion, energy, and health resulting from a HUGE love. Your life is so beautiful that you can’t wait to get up to start a new day and thank the Universe that you are alive.”

Why do relationships feel amazing until the honeymoon wears off? Look at your mind! As we covered, you operate from your “subconscious autopilot” most of the day. This means you play the same subconscious programs that reflect the same beliefs that create the same outcomes. However, when you’re present, autopilot turns off and your conscious mind turns on. When you first meet someone, you’re naturally more mindful, present and, in romantic cases, physically AND consciously “turned on.” You open doors, chew with your mouth closed, and wear deodorant. But after a certain point, your programs kick in and your honeymoon ends. Bruce Lipton discusses this in detail in The Honeymoon Effect.
Watch Bruce Lipton Discuss The Honeymoon Effect
As Bruce Lipton explains, limiting subconscious beliefs prevent you from creating healthier relationships. When you change your beliefs, you change your relationships. Bruce’s favorite belief change method is PSYCH-K.
PSYCH-K for Relationships
Ready to fall madly in LOVE with your life? PSYCH-K® helps you remove the blocks preventing your bliss so you can live in a Honeymoon with yourself, others, and your life!

Let the LOVE flow… PSYCH-K® clears old b.s. (belief systems) that block the love in your life.
Many of the benefits of PSYCH-K® are due to the Whole-Brain State it creates. Bruce Lipton calls this state, “Super Learning.” It allows you to transform limiting beliefs to create better outcomes in your life. Not only can you create healthier relationships using PSYCH-K®, it also benefits self-worth, self-love, safety, trust, abundance, passion, purpose, and more. As you change your beliefs, you also release buried emotions and heal old wounds. PSYCH-K® can be immensely soothing for the nervous system and deeply healing for the soul.
Healthy Relationship Affirmations
These healthy relationship affirmations can be used as PSYCH-K® Belief Statements. When creating your statements, get clear about what you want and express them in a way that excites you. Here are examples…
- I am worthy of receiving infinite love.
- I love and accept myself unconditionally.
- My relationships are nourishing and mutually beneficial.
- It’s easy for me to create healthier relationships, now!
- I deserve to be seen and heard.
- It’s safe for me to trust myself and others.
- I deserve/have deep and meaningful connections in my life.
- Other people respect my time and boundaries.
- I set clear and loving boundaries with others.
- I communicate clearly with others about what I want and need.
- It’s easy for me to express myself.
- My relationships are healthy and supportive.
- I deserve to fully relax and feel nurtured in relationships.
- I let go of my need to be the caretaker and protector.
- It’s easy for me to forgive myself and others.
- I am free from taking on other people’s problems, emotions, and stress.
7 Tips For Healthier Relationships
Want to experience deeper, more nourishing, and beneficial connections in your life? The 7 tips below are helpful for PSYCH-K and are crucial to healthy relationships.
1. Start With Self-Love
Self-love provides the foundation for success in ALL areas of your life. If you want to improve any relationship, start with yourself. This alone is one of the most POWERFUL things you can do to create healthier relationships. Use PSYCH-K to stop self-sabotage, remove old b.s. (belief systems), and upgrade your beliefs to being your own best friend.
Why is self-love important? Self-love helps you go inward for answers, solutions, and guidance. Many people look to the outer world to determine how they feel, which can make it easy to play a victim “poor me” role where you’re the only guest at a 24/7 pity party. Come on! You kick ass and deep down you know it or you wouldn’t be reading this.
Self-love helps you heal and return to wholeness by becoming the love, support, and connection you need.
When you feel more connected to your soul, it’s easier to connect with everything. This divine soul connection is deeply healing. When you feel safe and supported by the Universe, it’s much easier to trust the process and release fear, anxiety, and worry. As you befriend yourself, feelings of loneliness and separation transform into a sense of aliveness and connectivity.
Action Steps to Increase Self-Love
- Start each morning by spending two minutes standing in front of a mirror in a Victory Pose (hands overhead in a “V”) while smiling (even if you have to fake it). Look into your eyes and repeat your PSYCH-K belief statements or any empowering statements, such as “I love you!” This helps rewire your brain in beneficial ways and it’s great for boosting self-worth, self-love, and confidence.
- Designate daily self-care time to do the things you enjoy that help you recharge, such as meditating, yoga, journaling, walking in nature, singing, dancing, playing, laughing, etc.
2. Be Present To Connect

One of the best ways to create healthier relationships is to slow down and be present. Being engaged in the moment helps you communicate more mindfully which makes it easier to build meaningful connections with yourself, others, nature, and beyond. Living in the present also helps you see how everything is connected. It shifts your view from competition to collaboration and can help you work with others more as a team.
Take Action: Connect With This Moment
- Sit in a relaxed position or a PSYCH-K Whole-Brain posture while engaging your breath and senses.
- What does it feel like to be present, listen from your heart, and make mindful eye contact?
3. Communicate Clearly & Lovingly
The first step to communicating effectively is to hold space. Holding space is about creating a safe bubble for listening and expression. Get clear with what you want and find a diplomatic way to express yourself AND listen to others. PSYCH-K can help you shift perspective to approach things from a relaxed state instead of a reactive one.
One of the most important qualities you can have for good verbal and non-verbal communication is awareness, and that includes deep listening. When you listen deeply, your body language reflects it. Since over 90% of communication is non-verbal, this alone can send good vibes to the other person helping them feel seen, heard, and respected. The more you practice, the more you’ll notice shifts.
Take Action: Communicate in a Relaxed (Non-Reactive) Way
- Journal — Before you talk, journal to get clear on how you feel and the best way to express yourself. Start by getting the gunk out, a.k.a. the reactive stuff like stuffed emotions that are ready to blow. Let your journal be for “your eyes only” and get comfortable having a solo conversation. Allow yourself to make mistakes and be human.
- Use a “talk rock” to take turns communicating with others. You can use a crystal or any rock. Only the person holding the rock can speak. By taking turns talking, you naturally feel more present and listen deeper.
- Read Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion by Marshall B. Rosenberg.
4. Set Healthy Boundaries
Do you tend to overachieve, overdo, and over-commit? Setting boundaries is crucial for creating healthier relationships. PSYCH-K helps you set boundaries with others AND yourself. By taking care of your needs first, you’re able to be more present and connect with what’s important. Stop saying, “yes” when you mean “no” and prioritize your happiness like your life depends on it because it does! Stop over-accommodating and putting other’s needs before your own. Being a good friend or partner isn’t about doing everything for another; it’s about empowering them. Find ways of doing things that are enjoyable and sustainable. You deserve to have your needs met.
PSYCH-K Action Step: Embrace Healthy Boundaries
- Set healthy boundaries to prioritize and honor your needs.
- Stop saying, “yes” when you mean “no.”
5. Shift Perspective

Every person has an individual expression that reflects their unique perspective. PSYCH-K helps you shift to acknowledge different perspectives, helping you to be more aware, kind, and compassionate. The goal isn’t to be perfect or mistake-proof, but to understand your relationships in a way that empowers you instead of adding stress.
Relationships are challenging because they’re tremendous at supporting growth.
You have a choice to view challenges as opportunities to learn, improve and deepen your connections. Or you can avoid challenges while staying in your increasingly uncomfortable “comfort zone.” Although it takes practice, it’s worth expanding your awareness to see different viewpoints. What’s true for one might not be true for another and vice versa. Using PSYCH-K to shift perspective is a quick way to create healthier relationships.
Take Action: Play with Perspective
- Grab your journal! Think of a situation in one of your relationships that felt hurtful. Allow yourself to neutralize your emotions for a moment and become a mindful observer. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and, with love and compassion, try to understand why they might have done or said the things they did. Hurt people hurt people. If someone hurts you, it’s because they’re hurting. Many people are emotionally wounded from stressful past events and suppressed emotions. Keep reminding yourself that everyone is doing the best they can with their current level of awareness.
6. Release the Past
To be receptive to love, you must create space for it by letting go of the stuff that no longer serves you. PSYCH-K helps you forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It provides an opportunity to let go of any buried emotions like blame, sadness, grief, and despair. These unexpressed emotions create blocks between you and the love in your life. That’s why using healing modalities like PSYCH-K and even sound healing via Biofield Tuning can be immensely beneficial for bringing you back into the flow. When you let go of the past, you open to receive love, support, and more beneficial experiences.
Ready to open your heart? As HeartMath research indicates, the electromagnetic field around your heart is the most powerful field your body produces. This field informs every cell of your being which impacts your health, brain functions, and overall enjoyment of life. How much you open your heart also greatly influences the quality of connections in your life. When your heart center is open and coherent, you’re able to quickly and easily feel love towards yourself, others, and life itself. Open yourself up to receive. You’re worthy of love!
Take Action: Release Buried Emotions
- Feel what’s going on in your heart. What emotions are present? Does it feel like there’s any shielding around your heart? When you acknowledge buried emotions and allow them to be expressed, they’re released and the old patterns dissolve.
7. Appreciate & Celebrate

One of the best ways to cultivate more love in your life is to appreciate it and celebrate it EVERY chance you get. Expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to connect with your heart, the present moment, and others. Be grateful for anything and everything! Be kind to others and do your best to say please and thank you.
PSYCH-K Action Step: Celebrate the Love
- Aim for 7 hugs a day and make them good ones… heart-to-heart bear hugs!
- Pick or buy yourself flowers.
- Journal daily, expressing your gratitude for the love in your life!
Ready to Create Healthier Relationships in Your Life?