Does PSYCH-K Really Work?

PSYCH-K: Does it really work? You might be asking yourself, “Is PSYCH-K® legitimate?” Trying a new healing modality can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.
Are you skeptical about PSYCH-K? Skepticism can be from a limiting belief and PSYCH-K can help. This post explores what skepticism is, why it arises, and how to transform it for improved health and life outcomes.
Skepticism is an attitude of doubt or disbelief regarding the truth or validity of something. While healthy questioning is beneficial, skepticism often takes on a fear-based and self-sabotaging approach. Skepticism is rooted in subconscious beliefs. The PSYCH-K Method is a form of energy psychology that offers a solution for changing limiting beliefs, including those around skepticism. PSYCH-K can help you transform beliefs, overcome fears, heal underlying issues, and align with the life you desire.
5 Reasons You’re Skeptical About PSYCH-K
It’s common to hold limiting subconscious beliefs around self-love, self-worth, success, safety, and trust. Trying new things can be scary, especially if past attempts have failed. Concepts like energy psychology and quantum healing can also be difficult to grasp. Additionally, PSYCH-K’s transformative potential can sound too good to be true.

1. It’s a Belief
Skepticism is a belief. The reason you’re skeptical about PSYCH-K is that you have limiting subconscious beliefs that create filters through which you view your reality.
PSYCH-K is a rapid belief change process that uses various postures and movements to create a Whole-Brain State. This balances both brain hemispheres to create a “super learning” state where you can reprogram limiting beliefs with beneficial ones. Within minutes, most people experience increased relaxation, calmness, and inner peace. After a session, you’ll take action from this new perspective, activating your full potential.
If you’re unsure whether you have skeptical beliefs, consider areas of your life that feel stuck, stagnant, or stressful. Your life is a reflection of your subconscious beliefs. As a PSYCH-K Facilitator, Cate can assist you in identifying skeptical beliefs and transforming them into supportive ones. See the examples below for further understanding.
Skeptical Belief Examples…
- It’s not safe to trust others.
- People are dishonest and take advantage of me.
- Nothing works for me.
- Life is hard and will always be that way.
- I’m not good at making decisions.
- Healing is possible for others, but not for me.
Supportive Affirmations for Skepticism…
- It’s safe for me to trust myself and others.
- People are honest and want the best for me.
- Everything works well for me.
- Life is easy, now and always!
- I’m great at making decisions and listing to my intuition.
- Healing is possible for everyone, including me.
2. It’s Coming From Fear
Skepticism often stems from fear, particularly fear that something might not work. However, fear, known as False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.), lacks a foundation in truth. Begin by replacing false evidence with scientific evidence.
Scientific Evidence
While PSYCH-K may sound “woo-woo,” it’s supported by Neuroscientist, Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D., who conducted brain mapping studies with PSYCH-K Founder Robert M. Williams. This research has been featured in three peer-reviewed publications, demonstrating immediate positive changes in brain-wave activity following session. The process induces a bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern known as the Whole-Brain State. This state beneficial for subconscious reprogramming and the expansion of human consciousness. More research is available at
Is fear holding you back or keeping you safe? Fear is often the underlying cause of many challenges. While some believe that fear provides a level of safety, it often does more harm than good. To live a fulfilling life, it’s crucial to let go of this outdated belief system that falsely appears as a source of security. PSYCH-K offers a path to liberate yourself from fear and create NEW empowering beliefs. By achieving a balanced mindset, you’ll gain the ability to identify and overcome your fears more effectively.

3. It’s Outside Your Comfort Zone
PSYCH-K operates on the subconscious level of the mind, making it an alternative healing approach supported by neuroscience. Exploring unfamiliar territories beneath conscious awareness can be thrilling and intimidating. Many individuals adhere to the notion of “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but as Wayne Dyer, a spiritual guru, suggested, “You’ll see it when you believe it.” PSYCH-K works on a quantum level, the origin of all things. Your beliefs shape your reality, and your subconscious mind holds a tremendous power that surpasses your conscious mind by a factor of millions.
One intriguing aspect of PSYCH-K is remote muscle testing. In an online session, Cate uses specific protocols to connect with your subconscious and muscle test on your behalf. You’ll still experience the effects as if you were physically present. How does it work? Remote muscle testing is based on Quantum Entanglement, or the Law of One, which suggests that we’re all interconnected. Similar to radio waves, our body and mind emit energy that can travel long distances.
4. You Resist Change
Are you ready to change? If not, it’s crucial to explore the reasons behind your resistance and overcome them to avoid staying stagnant. Change can be uncomfortable, but it opens up new possibilities for personal growth. However, embracing change may bring about growing pains, fear, emotions, and unresolved memories or trauma. Often, people lack the knowledge of how to effectively deal with these painful experiences. It’s essential to learn how to acknowledge, process, and release this old energy. If left unaddressed, these unresolved issues can manifest as energetic blockages and physical dis-ease. Also, stagnant energy hinder the flow of new energy. By letting go of the old, you create space for fresh energy, supportive beliefs, and positive experiences.

5. It Seems Too Good to be True
PSYCH-K often raises skepticism because of our underlying beliefs. Do you believe in abundance, miracles, and good luck? Or do you see scarcity, difficulty, and unfairness in the world? Shifting your perspective from dead ends to possibilities can be much more enjoyable. PSYCH-K is a rapid mindset change that transforms limiting beliefs into supportive ones. By removing the blocks in your mind, you’ll shift your energy in an immensely positive and powerful way that ripples into all areas of your life.
PSYCH-K is sometimes misunderstood as a quick fix. Although it can address immediate concerns like phobias (see video below), deeper healing is often required for most issues. By being patient and addressing the root causes of your challenges, you can achieve greater, more effective, and sustainable results.
Skeptical About PSYCH-K?
Watch Bruce Lipton’s introduction to PSYCH-K. In the video, PSYCH-K Originator Rob Williams shares a powerful example of helping a woman overcome her fear of public speaking in only minutes. This experience empowered her to start her own public speaking group! Bruce Lipton describes it as the most profound thing he’s ever witnessed.