PSYCH-K Belief Statements

Create Empowering PSYCH-K® Belief Statements

Learn how to change your subconscious mind by creating empowering PSYCH-K Belief Statements!

PSYCH-K is a rapid belief change process that changes limiting subconscious beliefs. This allows you to remove the barriers to your success and create the health and life you deserve.

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empowering psych k belief statements

What Are Goal Statements?

A Goal or Belief Statement is a sentence that expresses a new belief you would like to have. For example, “I deserve to be seen and heard.” Another example is, “It’s safe for me to lose weight and keep it off.” Statements should be short, positive, first-person, present tense, specific, realistic, and meaningful. Cate will guide you throughout your session. You don’t have to create these ahead of time, but it helps to prepare ideas.

belief change helps you

Can YOU Benefit from a Belief Change?

Would YOU benefit from NEW beliefs?

Look at your life. Are there any areas you want to improve? If yes, this rapid belief change process can help. People that are ready to change and take action get the best results.

How to create NEW beliefs…

PSYCH-K Belief Statements are also called Goal, Balance, and Affirmation Statements. Once reprogrammed, these become your new beliefs. First, we use muscle testing to connect with your subconscious and determine if the statements are believed to be true or false; then, we proceed with reprogramming.

“PSYCH-K represents one of the most important, efficient, effective, and rapid belief change processes that is available on this planet today.”

Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

Change Beliefs & Perceptions

What can you change with PSYCH-K?

You can use this belief change process to reprogram beliefs or perceptions. Perceptions can be traumatic situations that are known or unknown from past or future events. These can include phobias, addictions, and experiences from birth or past lives.

Change Your Perception of the Past

PSYCH-K can change how you perceive and respond to past events, enabling you to deal with challenges easier. It gets you out of a victim mentality and allows you to take relaxed action instead of reacting. Also, many people are unknowingly triggered by stressful past events. This belief change process gets your body into a relaxed state optimal for healing on all levels.

Many people get stuck in a stress response. Why? Your subconscious is constantly on alert for potential attacks, which can be exhausting in today’s high-stress, fear-focused world. Stress is the number one contributor to health problems. Living in a stressed state depletes you physically, emotionally, and energetically. Based on your body’s physiology, you can’t be healing and stressed simultaneously. Your mind doesn't know the difference between real or perceived stress. So if stress is present, your body will focus on it. As a result, this compromises healing and other basic functions.

Relaxing is crucial if you want to feel better & improve your health.

change beliefs change life

Heal Your Mind, Heal on All Levels

Changing the subconscious mind results in soul healing. When your soul is whole and healthy, it's easier to manifest the life you want. That's where P-K can help. Your beliefs create filters that influence your perception of reality. PSYCH-K empowers new beliefs to create a new reality. This often leads to deep healing and can drastically change your life for the better.

Change Your Perception of the Future

PSYCH-K can help future situations, trauma, and stress. For example, you might have upcoming stress, such as a job interview, a divorce, or a loved one that will pass soon. With PSYCH-K, you can perceive future events in a healthier and more relaxed way, creating more favorable outcomes. But, you must remove the sabotaging beliefs or perceptions and replace them with empowering ones. Let’s dive into how to do that!

“The only limits you have are the limits you believe."

Wayne Dyer

7 Steps for Creating Empowering PSYCH-K Belief Statements

You and your life directly result from your subconscious programs and beliefs. This begins in early childhood when you download programs from your environment to help you stay safe, function, and fit into society. Although these programs can be beneficial as a child, they’re often harmful as an adult. That's why PSYCH-K is so empowering. It helps you quickly record new beliefs into your subconscious.

happy couple visualizing future

New Beliefs & Perceptions = New Reality!

What Life Do You Want to Create?

Check out the Prep: 4 Areas to Examine. How's your current situation, and what do you want to change? This helps you identify your blocks. Next, what would you like your life to be like?

Example Belief Statements

  • Weight loss is hard! I can’t lose weight no matter what.
  • New Belief: It’s easy for me to lose 5 pounds in 30 days.
  • I repeatedly attract bad relationships.
  • New Belief: I have loving and supportive relationships.

How to Write a Belief Statement

Now, pick an area you want to improve and create empowering PSYCH-K Belief Statements. You want Statements to be...

1. Short

Create short, concise, one-sentence long Belief Statements.

2. First Person

Write your Statements in the first person: I, me, my, and myself.

3. Positive

Keep your words positive and avoid negative words like no, not, can’t, or won’t. Your subconscious doesn’t recognize negative words. Replace what you don't want with what you DO want.

4. Present Tense

The subconscious only knows the present moment. Even if something happened 10 years ago, your subconscious thinks it’s happening now. That’s why it's crucial to write in the present tense (I have) and avoid past (I had) and future tense (I will have).

5. Specific

Being specific about what you want will produce specific results. So be clear, concise, and detailed. Include measurable items like, "It’s easy for me to lose 10 pounds in 6 months."

6. Realistic

Dream BIG, but be realistic about what you can attain. If you’re making $75k a year, set your goal to $100k. Take small, doable steps in the right direction. This helps you progress AND stay motivated.

7. Meaningful

Make sure your Belief Statements are meaningful, important, and heartfelt. Focus on what you oh-so-badly want so it's easier to take action and achieve your goals.

“All it takes is one person in any generation to heal a family's limiting beliefs.”

Gregg Braden

Affirmations & Action Steps

PSYCH-K Affirmations

PSYCH-K Belief Statements also make great affirmation statements. After you reprogram subconscious beliefs, they're usually set for life. It’s not necessary to repeat them, but it can be helpful to say your new beliefs as affirmations. This can even be one of your Action Steps.

Action Steps

Writing Belief Statements is an integral part of PSYCH-K, but it’s only one part. Following your Action Steps is crucial to this belief change process.

During a session, we'll create Action Steps to activate your new beliefs. Once you reprogram, it’s complete at the subconscious level, but you have to take action to make it part of your life. For example, if you reprogram around weight loss, you still want to eat well and do things to support weight loss. You can’t eat junk food while sitting around all day and expect the fat to fall off.

psych k affirmations
freedom from beliefs

Start Creating Belief Statements to Create the Life YOU Deserve!